Monday, August 1, 2011

EuroTrip Part 5 Geneva Switzerland

The Parc des Bastions is perhaps best known for its enormous outdoor chessboards, and locals regularly come here for a game, often watched by crowds of spectators. Many local celebrations and festivities take place year, often based around the onsite Town Hall, appealing to residents and tourists alike.
Geneva gardens open: daily
Geneva gardens admission: free

Wooded areas, natural scenery, parks and established gardens are all fairly commonplace in the Geneva area and some of the most popular even offer spectacular views across Lake Geneva itself. Close to the city, the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques is worth finding if you have the time and boasts an extraordinary array of plant and animal species, along with a leading research centre, library and herbarium.

  On the Place des Nations, the broad plaza in front of the UN main entrance, is the 39 foot tall (12 meters) Three Legged Chair. The lost leg symbolizes what so many anti-personnel land mine and cluster bomb victims suffer.  The chair was the brainchild of Paul Vermeulen, Director of Handicap International. The broken leg is intended as a daily reminder to UN staff who use the main entrance to urge their governments to take action to help victims and avoid similar injuries in the future.
Just across the three legged chair is the United Nations headquarters in Geneva Switzerland.

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